I'm so sorry I have been so bad at updating. Between some stress at home with my in-laws and a laptop that no longer holds a battery charge, I have been unmotivated to sit down and type. On Tuesday, November 13, my HCG level was 15. This is low. You're only considered pregnant if you have a level of 5 of above. The testy nurse at my ob's office said "Yes, you're pregnant, but this number is REALLY low." Gee, thanks for the reassurance. They ordered a second draw for Thursday. At this point, I was done dealing with this nurse who had been nasty SEVERAL times, so I called another practice for a 2nd opinion. I was told that they couldn't see me until December but that a nurse might be able to call me the next day.
Thursday I get my results and the number doubled (like it's supposed to) to 30. The evil nurse says "You're pregnant, nothing more to worry about, see you around 10-13 weeks. Shortly after I got those results, a nurse from the practice I intended to switch to said "I pulled your results from the hospital and the doctor would like to get a 3rd draw on Monday."
Monday, November 19th, I made the jump to 259! This really solidified this pregnancy for me, and how I felt that the new practice was much more sensitive to my concerns and PCOS diagnosis. Also, they put me BACK on the Metformin, which my old ob's office told me to stop taking as soon as I got pregnant. New ob (Dr. M) said that staying on it through the first trimester actually helps lower the risk of miscarraige in women with PCOS.
We leave for our LONG OVERDUE honeymoon in 2 days-I can't wait! Jamaica, Cayman Islands, Cozumel, and New Orleans-here we come! We get back Dec 10, and Dec 11 I have my first appointment at my new ob's office, and Dec 21 I have my first ultrasound!
Just stalking you from TB! Praying everything looked good today!