I had my first appointment with the doctor yesterday and another ultrasound. The little baby isn't so little any more! I can't believe how much he or she has grown in the past 3 weeks.
I decided to do my Bump Survey on Saturdays since that's when my weeks start. I'll update with a 'belly' (food baby) picture later.
Week: 9
How Big is Baby: From TheBump.com-Baby is the size of an olive!
Weight Gain: I've actually at -5.4 lbs. Between the Metformin and no more wine, this isn't surprising and my doctor is okay with it :)
Gender: Chris will probably try and give it back after delivery if it's not a boy. (I'd like a boy too!)
Names: We have a boy name picked out, and we're not sure on a girl name.
Symptoms: Dry heaves, frequent urination, fatigue, random acne, and that's
Sleep: Horrible, since I get up so often to pee
Movement: Too early
Maternity Clothes: Still in normal clothes, which are actually fitting great because I've lost 5 lbs.
Food Cravings: I had a moment on Thursday where I had to immediately make homemade mac n cheese. It was a first for me.
Food Aversions: Coffee, yuck.
Stretchmarks: None that weren't already there, but my stretch mark oil should arrive the day after Christmas.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Christmas. My mom AKA Santa told me she bought us a dishwasher for Christmas and I cannot wait.
What I Miss: A glass of wine with dinner & sleeping through the night.
Next Drs Appointment: January 21st
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing the baby yesterday with Chris & my mom there!!
Woot! What a little cutie!