Tuesday, January 1, 2013

10w3d & Happy New Year!

Sorry this is such a late update!  I really need a new laptop battery and plan on ordering one TODAY.

This past Saturday marked 10 weeks into my pregnancy!  I am feeling so much better with less morning sickness, exhaustion, & sore tatas.  I so hope that this is the end of first trimester maladies.

Here's me on 10 weeks, in MATERNITY clothes!  Even though I've lost weight, I'm feeling really bloated and my regular pants just weren't cutting it.  I can assure you that's NOT a baby bump, just my regular stomach, and I'm letting it all hang out.  I don't care anymore!  I look about 5 months pregnant.

Week: 10
How Big is Baby: From TheBump.com-Baby is the size of a prune!

Weight Gain: -5.2 lbs.  Up .2 after Christmas
Gender: Still hoping for a boy
Names: We have a boy name picked out, and we're not sure on a girl name.
Symptoms: I am feeling pretty good!!  Still urinating a lot, but no more morning sickness!
Sleep: Horrible, since I get up so often to pee
Movement: Too early
Maternity Clothes: I purchased some maternity clothes!  Even though I've lost weight, I am so much more comfortable in maternity pants.
Food Cravings: I HAD to have Chinese for dinner last night.
Food Aversions: None anymore!
Stretchmarks: None that weren't already there, but my stretch mark oil should be helping!
What I'm Looking Forward To: Hopefully scheduling my NT scan this week!
What I Miss: A glass of wine with dinner & sleeping through the night.
Next Drs Appointment: January 21st
Best Moment of the Week: Picking up baby's HB on my Doppler at home yesterday!

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