Saturday, December 22, 2012

9 weeks

I'm 9 weeks today!  And apparently a very bad blogger, but I promise to get better.

I had my first appointment with the doctor yesterday and another ultrasound.  The little baby isn't so little any more!  I can't believe how much he or she has grown in the past 3 weeks.

You can see the head on the left, and two little arm buds!  It looks like the legs are tucked in because you can't see them, and that huge bulge is my bladder.  Ugh, yes, my bladder.  I have been getting up to urinate about 5 times a night, and at least a dozen times a day.  I assumed this was a normal part of pregnancy, but as it turns out, that's a bit excessive.  The urine I gave my doctor on 12/11 came back clear of anything, but I had to give another sample yesterday and they're going to monitor it.  Basically, that's a hyper distended bladder and every though I FEEL like I'm emptying it when I go to the bathroom-I'm not.  An hour later I feel 'full' again.  I hope this can be resolved soon because sleeping hasn't been very fun.

I decided to do my Bump Survey on Saturdays since that's when my weeks start.  I'll update with a 'belly' (food baby) picture later.

Week: 9
How Big is Baby: From is the size of an olive!

Weight Gain: I've actually at -5.4 lbs.  Between the Metformin and no more wine, this isn't surprising and my doctor is okay with it :)
Gender: Chris will probably try and give it back after delivery if it's not a boy.  (I'd like a boy too!)
Names: We have a boy name picked out, and we're not sure on a girl name.
Symptoms: Dry heaves, frequent urination, fatigue, random acne, and that's about it enough
Sleep: Horrible, since I get up so often to pee
Movement: Too early
Maternity Clothes: Still in normal clothes, which are actually fitting great because I've lost 5 lbs.
Food Cravings: I had a moment on Thursday where I had to immediately make homemade mac n cheese.  It was a first for me.
Food Aversions: Coffee, yuck.
Stretchmarks: None that weren't already there, but my stretch mark oil should arrive the day after Christmas.
What I'm Looking Forward To: Christmas.  My mom AKA Santa told me she bought us a dishwasher for Christmas and I cannot wait.
What I Miss: A glass of wine with dinner & sleeping through the night.
Next Drs Appointment: January 21st
Best Moment of the Week: Seeing the baby yesterday with Chris & my mom there!!

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